Entretien Maison

How to Sweep Your Floors the Correct Way

Balai et accessoires ménagers Andrée Jardin

Keeping your home clean is essential. Starting with the floors, which are a must for any cleaning and sweeping session. But you don't have to spend all day on them: you just have to know how to do it and use the right tool: a broom

A Broom is a tool made of vegetable or synthetic fibers, attached to the end of a long handle and designed to clean dust from the floor.

As a brushmaker since 1947, Andrée Jardin gives you "the" secret to sweeping efficiently: you must start by choosing the right accessories.

Effective sweeping begins with choosing the right broom

Thanks to the knowledge acquired since 3 generations, we choose the best bristles for our brooms. For your home we recommend a soft bristle to sweep delicately. We advise you :

  • Pure horsehair: the most noble, soft and natural hair. It is very efficient at collecting dust and is gentle on all floors, even the most delicate.

        Available on Oak wood and Vintage brooms

  • The mix of horsehair and synthetic. Just as effective and delicate for the home. It can also be used for outdoor use.

        Available on ClynkBeech wood et Ash wood brooms

  • The mix of horsehair and vegetable fibres :  A plastic-free alternative to the mix of horsehair and synthetic. Just as effective, it also offers a different aesthetic side with the blond color of the vegetable tampico fibres.

        Available on Clynk Natural broom

Effective sweeping also means choosing the right technique

playmobil sweeping

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to sweeping. You may prefer to start with certain rooms in your home, for example, or you may like to divide rooms into smaller sections.

As far as movement is concerned, we advise you to sweep the floor in small movements. Hold the broom with both hands, one hand at the top and the other in the middle, and move it from the outside of the body to the inside. As you do this, the bristles will push the debris on the floor in the direction you are sweeping.

The more you sweep the floor in small movements, the more control you will have. The idea is to gather all the debris in a central location.

Don't sweep too fast, or you'll send the dust flying.


Choosing the right accessories for your broom

dustpan and hand brush set

> The Dustpan and Hand brush, always with your broom

The usefulness of the Dustpan & Hand Brush set is no longer to be proven. Indeed, after having swept a vast surface with a broom, they are the household accessories that we use to collect dust and waste.

Long handled broom dustpan set

Long handled brush and dustpan, the complementary accessory at hand

Always at hand, close to your work surface, the Long handled brush and dustpan will assist you in life's little accidents. With its 90 cm height, you don't have to bend over to pick it up. For small spaces, it can even replace a broom.

Thanks to its unique design, born from the collaboration between Andrée Jardin and the Nantes based designers Mr & Mrs Clynk, you will no longer have to store this household accessory at the back of a closet.

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